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Module 8 Double with Overhead Cabinets

: Dark Grey

Modular storage system including a combination of work bench, tool drawers, overhead cabinets, shelving and metal pegboard.


- Heavy duty work bench storage system
- Free standing
- Industrial strength
- Secure key lockable drawers and cabinets
- Quality ball bearing drawer runners
- Tool drawer dividers 
- Quick installation
- Integrates with any other Steelspan storage system module


- Laminated (Colour: Formica "Ironstone", 25mm), Stainless Steel (option)
- Pegboard tool display: Aluminium diamond plate (standard), Stainless steel (option)


- Powder coated steel drawers, cabinets and frame
- Metal pegboard
- Load capacity: 450kg/UDL


Height: 2100mm
Width: 3780mm
Depth: 500mm

Overhead Cabinet Internal:

Height: 445mm
Width: 888mm
Depth: 212mm

D1 Large Drawer Internal:

Height: 320mm
Width: 810mm
Depth: 370mm

D4 4 Drawer Internals

Large Drawer Internal:
Height: 100mm
Width: 490mm
Depth: 370mm

Small Drawer Internal:
Height: 100mm
Width: 220mm
Depth: 370mm


3 x Open End Frame
16 x Beam 1800
2 x Work Bench Top 1800
2 x Tool Display 1800
4 x Overhead Cabinet
4 x 4 Drawer Cabinet
4 x Large Drawer Cabinet
1 x Work Bench Top Joiner
2 x Pegboard Hook & Bin Kit

Note: Joint between 1800mm bench-top (Shown in image) is covered by stainless steel joiner (Provided) or with stainless steel bench-top sleeve (Optional).

Product Brochure - Work Bench and Storage Systems (PDF)

Assembly Instructions – Work Bench and Storage Systems (PDF)